Top 10 benefits of trust in construction

To understand how trust is created, and the positive outcomes it can create on construction projects, Autodesk partnered with FMI Corporation for the industry study: Trust Matters: The High Cost of Low Trust. We examine the findings, which quantify the costs and benefits of different levels of trust within construction organisations. Just 37% of those surveyed rated their organisation as having a high level of trust, while 93% reported a basic level average or above of trust. Organisations with the highest levels of trust reported millions of dollars worth of benefits. These benefits include lower voluntary turnover that would otherwise be spent on staff saving up to $750,000, fewer missed schedules resulting in gains of up to $4mn a year; higher levels of repeat business driving gross margins 2-7% higher and, by creating a secure environment, the majority of high trust firms would retain all staff even without a confirmed pipeline of work.


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