Modular Mobilization Coalition Announces Delivery of the First Multifamily Modular Construction Project in the Petworth Area of Washington, D.C.
Modular Mobilization Coalition | September 22, 2020
The Modular Mobilization Coalition (MMC) recently announced the delivery of the first multifamily modular construction project in the Petworth area of Washington, D.C. The Petworth Modo project consists of 44 modular units that will be stacked into a five-story building containing 16 apartments. The building is anticipated to be move-in ready by the end of 2020. The modular project is expected to be completed in 10-months compared to a 12-16 month timeline using traditional site-built construction methods. "The speed of the Modo project was incredible," says Colby Swanson, Executive Director at the MMC. "We entered into a modular contract with Community Three and Rooney Properties in June. One of our manufacturing affiliates, Simplex Homes, began production in July, and all of the modular units will be assembled on-site before the end of September, a remarkable 90-day turn around." The MMC is a collaboration of modular manufacturers who collectively service developers nationwide. The national network of 15 modular construction companies is the first of its kind and works together to compress construction timelines, lower project risk, and offer competitive pricing by leveraging the power of their network.