Diversity, division and the future of the construction industry

BIM Today’s resident argumentative BIMster John Eynon discusses, as only he can, diversity, divisions and why difference will make the difference for the future of the industry. If you know your Star Trek history then actually I really, really, really wanted to call this The Corbamite Manoeuvre, but as much as I love Jim very much, Corbamite has nothing to do with vaginas. And so. In this video, Ellie Taylor on The Mash Report makes a point on behalf of women everywhere – what’s it like to live with constant scrutiny? Or see the furore about Tracy Brabin MP’s off-the-shoulder dress in parliament. I wonder if the colour of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s tie would cause such a debate? Why do we feel we can comment on a woman’s dress sense but not a man’s? Or, get this CIOB Digital Construction Summit’s all-male line-up – a classic own goal. As a woman, what would you think as you had to sit in the audience and listen to eight men talk about BIM? Where are the role models? It’s not like we’re short of women in BIM and leading female exponents. If the CIOB can’t get diversity right, what hope for the rest of us?


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