On February 27, 2023, Unanet, a company specializing in project-based CRM and ERP solutions for the engineering, architecture and construction (AEC) industry, announced that Albert Kahn Associates, an engineering and architecture firm, has switched to Unanet ERP AE to optimize its existing Unanet CRM solution and integrate all its business processes, from new business proposals to project management and invoicing.
Albert Kahn has shown remaekable growth in the industrial and automotive industries, as well as in corporate, adaptive reuse, healthcare, higher education, technology and research, and government segments.
Albert Kahn sought an ERP solution that could streamline the management of their existing projects and integrate with their CRM software. After thoroughly evaluating several options, it chose Unanet ERP AE, which unifies its business processes through seamless integration with its CRM, offers decision-driving insights, and superior support from Unanet's customer service team.
Numerous architecture, engineering and construction companies say that their project pipelines are full and that fresh business is available. However, Unanet's 2022-2023 Inspire Report, a benchmarking report highlighting trends, best practices and business challenges in the AEC industries, shows that 39% of firms report that recruiting and maintaining appropriate staffing levels suffered as a consequence of the pandemic.
Streamlined business functions through ERP will help companies like Albert Kahn be more efficient in managing staff and resources. With Albert Kahn's ERP solution integrated with their intuitive CRM, the firm will gain more significant insights and increased revenue through more efficient processes and simplified management of new and existing relationships.
More than 1,850 AEC companies choose Unanet ERP and CRM as they have the appropriate mix of accessibility and functionality while also offering the ability to grow and scale seamlessly.
About Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.
Albert Kahn Associates is an architecture and engineering firm established in 1895 as one of the first collaborative firms in the US. The firm has its headquarters in Detroit and works on significant projects worldwide, including industrial and automotive facilities, research and testing spaces, adaptive reuse projects, healthcare spaces, educational buildings, corporate office campuses, and urban waterfront and development projects. The firm has designed more than 45,000 projects worldwide and provides various services such as engineering, architecture, interior design, master planning and program management and spans business and management needs, commissioning, strategic facilities planning, and value and sustainability analysis.