Using Today's Data to Improve Tomorrow's Construction Safety

Find out how the Procore platform can automatically integrate with different technology partners like Triax,, and SignOnSite to sift through data as it is acquired as well as legacy data already in hand-to recognize trends and patterns, reduce risk, and support data-driven decisions. Watch now!
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Younger Workers In The Construction Industry


As the Baby Boom generation ages out of the construction industry, the younger generations are taking over. In this webinar we’ll discuss: Who they are and how to bring them to the industry, The challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies, Training options that help get new workers up to speed quickly, Ways to keep workers engaged while building loyalty, Why it pays to hire younger workers.
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Expand Risk Prediction with Construction IQ EMEA

Every day on construction sites, teams are coordinating hundreds of subcontractors, managing thousands of open issues, and navigating constant onsite changes. Construction projects continue to grow more complex, creating new challenges for minimising risk and improving quality and construction safety initiatives. Digitisation of construction processes and the use of mobile devices on construction sites captures more data than ever before, data that could be used to improve quality and reduce risks.
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Developing a Winning Product: Construction Project Management


This webinar will analyze how rapid and flexible response to change plus continual improvement produces winning teams and project management tools. We will be joined by Riley Herman, product manager at Procore, who will demonstrate how this methodology was used to create features that help construction professionals streamline the creation and approval of submittals.
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Setting Up for Lean Construction: Tips and Tricks for Reducing Waste, Rework and Delay


Succeeding with Lean Construction’s systematic approach to reducing waste, rework and delay requires the implementation of a set of inter-related production management policies. Those policies are designed to foster and support real time understanding of a project’s status, realistic short and long-term forecasting, and just-in-time supply chain optimization.
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