Streamlining the Construction Project Closeout and Turnover Process

The project closeout and turnover process is far from simple. When it comes time to close out a project, general contractors and subcontractors need to capture all as-built data on their drawings, track down O&M documentation for installed equipment, and secure signed warranty letters. Owners must then decide the best way to store and distribute these deliverables to facilities managers who will be maintaining the life and health of the building for decades to come.
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Redwood Robotics Supply Chain Webinar

Redwood Software

We know that managing a complicated, multi-stakeholder supply chain is an essential task for your organization. However, we also know that it’s not easy to plan; making sure all stakeholders collaborate to ensure the right goods, services and data arrive when and where they are needed. Robotics can deliver end-to-end visibility, control and support decision-making across business operations planning processes.
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Harnessing the Power of Robotics for Social Good Regional Network of Flying Labs


Emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution technology breakthroughs in fields such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) have a transformative role to play in the development sector, in addition to their well-known and growing impact in manufacturing and other industries. Drones, the most well-known robotics technology, are already being used by humanitarian agencies to transform and open up a diverse range of activities.
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Robotics in Aerospace Automation

Robotics Online

Aerospace, robotics, and automation seem to go hand in hand. The industry needs automation that is more productive, with ever-increasing quality that ensures optimum safety standards for their clients. Join us for this conversation about what’s happening in the secretive, competitive but public marketplace.
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Engineering and Technology in Your World & Your House as an Engineered System

Start the course by considering how engineering and technology influence your daily life—not just high-tech devices but also ordinary machines, buildings, and infrastructure that most people take for granted. In this lecture series you will learn to notice and understand these overlooked marvels. Your House as an Engineered System 28:22 minutes In the first of four lectures on your house as a technological system, review the eight engineered subsystems that go into modern dwellings. Then discover the miracle of building codes, which ensure that every new house is safe, constructible, and reasonably economical without involving an engineer in each design.
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