Robotic Construction: How Much, How Soon and What's First

With fully autonomous construction equipment on the horizon and semi-autonomous equipment already at work on job sites, ENR will talk to some of the early adopters and technology providers for autonomous equipment and sensor-heavy job sites about the benefits and challenges of these new technologies.
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3 Modern Construction Obstacles: A How to Guide for All


Your teams may be encountering a number of project-threatening challenges each day, and you might not even know it. Learn how to identify these challenges before they impact your team's ability to stay on schedule. Find out why this kind of proactive leadership helps foster a company culture that cultivates and sustains top-tier talent.
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Stem careers and skills of the future - Careers in Computer Engineering

Stem Alliance

The purpose of this webinar was to give teachers, career counsellors, educational authorities and researchers an understanding of careers which can be developed in the STEM field, specifically in the IT and cybersecurity industry. Our speaker Gonçalo Abreu, Managing Partner in MakeWise talked about his career and life path, sharing his insights on different stages of his personal development, from being a student and employee to becoming an entrepreneur.
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How to Marry Your Content and Business Processes for Intelligent Automation

AIIM International

Becoming a digital organization begins first and foremost with providing knowledge workers with the tools they need to improve their own productivity and to automate the processes for which they have a responsibility - and do this without losing control. Your content and processes should not exist in isolation; your content should weave through your processes.
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Adopting Cloud-Based Technology in Construction for Better Cost Management

Technology can help teams better manage cost activities, but many are hesitant to change cost-related processes and procedures. Michael Doughton, Operations Manager at Donohoe Construction, joins this webinar to discuss about what led his team to take the leap and change their cost management practices and the value they see in Cost Management with Autodesk Build.
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