Product Deep Dive: Autodesk Build EMEA

Product Deep Dive: Autodesk Build EMEA
In construction, the gap between the office and the field is nothing new. Today more than ever, we need to close this gap and truly connect teams that are ready to embrace and excel in our industry’s future. Watch our on-demand webinar to learn about the key project and field management workflows available in Autodesk Build, with recently added functionality to further connect data, workflows, and teams from design to operations.
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The Latest Trend in Tunnel Construction

If you are involved in tunnel construction projects you know that monitoring surface and underground excavations to decrease potential risks and control operational costs are key. But what if you work with manually or automatically collected monitoring data, which is outdated quickly and not available in real time.
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Webinar: Social Engineering


Protect your organization from human factors. Learn how in this fun, informative webinar with our security solution engineer Kevin Ivy. With our social engineering engagements, we simulate how real hackers would deceive your employees to access sensitive company information.
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Younger Workers In The Construction Industry


As the Baby Boom generation ages out of the construction industry, the younger generations are taking over. In this webinar we’ll discuss: Who they are and how to bring them to the industry, The challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies, Training options that help get new workers up to speed quickly, Ways to keep workers engaged while building loyalty, Why it pays to hire younger workers.
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Driving Smarter Project Delivery with Collaborative Document Management

Documents are the basis for all construction activities. On a large construction project, tens of thousands of construction documents and revisions will have been circulated across hundreds of team members by the time it reaches the closeout phase.
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