Bringing new products to market faster with Autodesk Cloud PLM

Bringing new products to market faster with Autodesk Cloud PLM
As pressure to bring new products to market faster increases, most products are continuing to miss both time and cost targets. We know that time is money, and delays can cost your company millions, so how can you keep your product releases on track?
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Is Construction (Finally) Ready to Move into the Digital Age?

In the informative discussion on the state of digital adoption in the construction industry, there was no shortage of insightful observations and important tips for those ready to make the leap. Below are a few highlights from the conversation. AEC is still too siloed: One of the big takeaways in trying to identify the problem leading to this lack of digital adoption in the industry is that the industry is simply too siloed and too hesitant to share ideas and successes across disciplines. This may stem from self-preservation and competition; a company that has found something that works to increase efficiency is too often not willing to share that with others. The reality is there are enough projects to go around – the industry was worth over $1.3 trillion at the end of 2020 in the US alone – and sharing these ideas only serves to help everyone create more effective workflows. On this topic, Aftahi notes that at aec+tech, their main challenge has been inviting AEC firms who are using these latest technologies to share with us what tools have been working, or haven’t been. She points out the competition and secrecy that is inherent to the industry as the major barrier to getting this type of information.
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Adventures in Engineering

University of New Hampshire

Alex Bell, Jennalynn Coulp-Yu, and Logan Kenney, 18G will converse about their careers in engineering, community, and the corporate v. start-up world. They will discuss their personal engineering experiences and provide tips on how to become invaluable. Join us to hear advice from young alumni on making yourself invaluable and other tips of the trade!
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Making the Connection-STEM & MENTORING

The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

Increasing exposure and engagement in science, technology, engineering, and math is currently a large focus of many youth serving programs around the country. This webinar will focus on research-informed best practices and strategies that mentoring programs can implement to strengthen youth engagement in STEM.
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Setting Up for Lean Construction: Tips and Tricks for Reducing Waste, Rework and Delay


Succeeding with Lean Construction’s systematic approach to reducing waste, rework and delay requires the implementation of a set of inter-related production management policies. Those policies are designed to foster and support real time understanding of a project’s status, realistic short and long-term forecasting, and just-in-time supply chain optimization.
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