How Well Does an Engineering Major Pay?

February 27, 2020

The engineering profession has always been a stable one. Society will always need engineers. Engineering is also still one of the most profitable professions and offers a quick return on your educational investment. Some of the highest paying salaries straight out of college are in engineering or STEM-related fields. Research numbers from the past few years highlight how an engineering degree can propel a young person’s future career.


BTech Innovation

Btech Innovation is a technology company that has adopted the principle of doing value-added works with high quality in industries such as Defense, Aviation, Medical, Dental and Automotive with its strong engineering infrastructure. With the experience and knowledge in the lu Layered Manufacturing asyon field, the engineering team, which has received training in many centers in Europe and America, provides world-class engineering services such as Design for AM, Topology Optimization, 3D Printing Service and Scanning.

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Top engineering pain points in 2022

Infographic | April 20, 2022

Engineers are feeling pressure at all stages of the product development process. We recently surveyed 250 custom manufacturing customers and found that engineers are facing challenges stemming from shortened product development cycles, inefficient communication, high costs, and production delays.

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Top 10 construction technology trends for 2020

Infographic | December 30, 2019

The construction industry is under a significant paradigm shift. When we look back throughout this industry’s history we notice some great advancements have taken place. As the end of the year approaches and we look ahead to 2020 there’s no reason we shouldn’t expect more of the same to occur.

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STEM is on the rise. How can schools help?

Infographic | February 13, 2020

Over the last decade, the U.S. has created nearly 2 million new STEM jobs - but students math and science scores continue to lag behind other nations, according to the Programme for International Student Assessment. STEM includes many ever-evolving and expanding fields, and success requires the ability to continue to learn and adapt to new situations. Raising a STEM workforce starts long before college. So, where do schools begin?

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The 6 Advantages of Reverse Engineering

Infographic | March 20, 2020

Reverse engineering is an efficient way for the engineers to disintegrate a finished and working model of a physical structure to develop an enhanced version. The infographic concerns itself with the advantages of the process of reverse engineering and the benefits that engineers levy from it. It talks about reconstructing an outdated product and creating a new version of the same. An engineer can discover any vulnerabilities with the product and eradicate them with enhancements. It is quite an inspiring process for the organisations providing reverse engineering services.

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The Science of Construction Equipment Buy vs. Rent Decisions

Infographic | February 28, 2020

Productive work sites can require a variety of construction equipment types, from aerial work platforms and earthmoving equipment to generators, hand tools and light towers. But too many contractors overspend on equipment because they don’t do adequate buy vs. rent analyses that would likely reveal opportunities to cut costs and preserve capital by renting.

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Top 10 ‘Must’ Engineer Skills To Become DevOps-Powered!

Infographic | June 2, 2022

DevOps is the more popular word today. If you are a DevOps engineer, then it’s your time in the global IT industry. But success in DevOps journey doesn’t come so easily. The industry needs a different ‘YOU’ with go-getter attitude and a collaborative mindset.

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BTech Innovation

Btech Innovation is a technology company that has adopted the principle of doing value-added works with high quality in industries such as Defense, Aviation, Medical, Dental and Automotive with its strong engineering infrastructure. With the experience and knowledge in the lu Layered Manufacturing asyon field, the engineering team, which has received training in many centers in Europe and America, provides world-class engineering services such as Design for AM, Topology Optimization, 3D Printing Service and Scanning.
