Become a game-changing engineer at the University of Georgia

Is the role of a university to turn ideas into inventions to support students with their start-up dreams or to provide solutions to some of the worlds greatest challenges? If its the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia, then the answer is yes, yes and yes. Innovation is a top priority at the birthplace of public higher education in America. In 1785, Georgia became the first state to charter a state-supported university. And so began UGA’s game-changing role of providing higher education to the masses, transforming the lives of individuals and communities alike. Fast forward to today and this cutting-edge streak lives on. In 2017, the College of Engineering led UGA’s effort to receive designation as an Innovation Corps site through a grant by the National Science Foundation. This public–private partnership helps develop scientific and engineering discoveries into useful technologies. The program connects academic researchers and students with the technological, entrepreneurial, and business communities at the local, regional and national level.



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