Are Government Robots Coming For Your Job?

A lot of very smart people, like Elon Musk and the late Stephen Hawking, believe that artificial intelligences and the robotic bodies that could house them will eventually lead to the end of the world, or at least the end of human civilization. That concept has also become a cliché in science-fiction. Personally, I don’t think robots and AI will ever eliminate humans, not so much because I don’t see their potential, but because I don’t think humans are talented enough to build something both powerful and malicious enough to destroy humanity, much less something that could really become sentient, which is obviously the first requirement.
In the short term though, there is a good chance that AI and robotics might advance automation to the point where quite a few people will be put out of work. Some researchers believe that about half of all job fields have vulnerable workers who could be replaced by AI or robotics by 2026.



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